Exeter Cosmetic Surgery Christopher Stone Devon based Surgeon
Mr Christopher Stone Exeter Cosmetic Surgeon full member BAPRAS


An overview of Mr Stone’s published cosmetic surgery textbooks.


Editorial & Publishing

Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (JPRAS)
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

MCQs for the FRCS

McDiarmid JGM, Bernard J, Greenwell T, Li A, Marshall N, Thurnell C, Stone CA. MCQs in Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology for the FRCS. Edward Arnold Publishers, London 1995 (ISBN 0-340-63190-2; ISBN 0-340-59435-7; ISBN 0-340-59435-7).

Plastic Surgery Texts

1. Stone CA. Plastic Surgery: Facts. Greenwich Medical Media 2001 (ISBN 1841100641).
2. Stone CA. Case Presentations in Plastic Surgery. Greenwich MM 2004 (ISBN 1-841101-37-0).
3. Stone CA. Plastic Surgery: Facts (2nd Ed). Cambridge University Press 2006 (ISBN 0-521-67449-2).
4. Stone CA (Ed). The Evidence for Plastic Surgery, TFM Publishing 2008 (ISBN 1-903378-50-8).
5. Chiu T (Ed). Stone’s Plastic Surgery Facts and Figures (3rd Ed). C.U.P. 2011 (ISBN-13: 9780521139786).
6. Chiu T (Ed). Stone's Plastic Surgery Facts (4th Ed). CRC Press 2019 (ISBN 978-1-138- 03170-8).

Mr Stone's Publications

Mr Christopher Stone’s publications available on Amazon:
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